
Membership Has Its Priviledges


Why Join Us?

  • Business Opportunities: Increase opportunities for CBAEC members.
  • Networking: Connect with clients, local, state, and federal agencies, peers, and allied organizations.
  • Representation: Advocacy for legislation to positively impact CBAEC members at the local, state, and federal levels.
  • Collaboration: Opportunities for members to strategically collaborate toward greater business goals.
  • Outreach: Promotion of CBAEC members to the potential clients, agencies, media and the general public.
  • Information Access: Communications regarding issues facing black-owned firms and the latest industry related concerns.
  • Technical Opportunities: Access to lectures, conferences, seminars, symposiums, and publications.
  • Mentorship/Professional Development: Provide opportunities for member firm principals and personnel with a focus on best management practices that facilitate the sustained growth of member companies.
  • Relationship with Financial Institutions: Opportunity for CBAEC members to leverage our collective wealth toward better business (loan programs/relationships).
  • Political Action Committees (PACs): Opportunities to participate in the political process to address primarily inequities and economic injustice faced by black-owned firms, as well as other industry-impacting issues such as infrastructure investment, procurement, and other strategic economic development initiatives.
  • Resources:
    • Access to the latest info about minority business policies, laws, regulations, and updates as well as market conditions and emerging trends affecting CBAEC membership.
    • Access to the latest RFPs.
    • Access to a Job Board to find opportunities with staff.
Fee Breakdown (Firms)
Firm SizeAnnual DuesAnnual Rate – PayPal





Why Join Us?

  • Firm Exposure: Opportunities to market your products to the CBAEC members.
  • Unique Networking: Connect with CBAEC members, clients, and allied organizations.
  • Teaming: Ability to team up with CBAEC members for greater business opportunities.
Fee Breakdown (Affiliates)
Firm SizeAnnual DuesAnnual Rate – PayPal